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Slash Public Service

From my long experience in dealing with governments in more than a dozen of them I assure you that if you slash more than half of government officials or the so-called public dis-service and throw them to the streets you will definitely get better, effective and efficient administrations.

I am sure they are the source of corruption and corporate greed support. I have never seen in my long life any government department or an office functioning properly.
They are excesses, idles, and the antithesis of innovation, ethics and productivity.

People must have regular and uninterrupted access to monitor what are going on in any government office, low or high, including the judiciary, the police, the security, and the military.

When you deal personally with a successful private business you feel your power as a valued customer even if it was unethical business. But when I personally deal with any government office I feel their arrogance and wickedness; I wish I could spit on their faces.

The public service anywhere in the world is ten times it’s optimal size, and they are very good in employing the failures and the dishonest for life.

To Occupy Wall Street and bring social, political, and economic justice people must axe useless officials first.

Comments on: "Slash Public Service but not the Services" (2)

  1. Inflated Federal Pay: How Americans Are Overtaxed to Overpay the Civil Service, July 7, 2010
    Abstract: Salaries and benefits—for identical jobs—are 30 percent to 40 percent higher in the federal government than in the private sector. Claims that this dramatic discrepancy in compensation is warranted because of government workers’ high skills are unjustified, as this study shows. Equally unjustified is the fact that federal workers can rarely be fired, no matter how poor their job performance. Congress should align federal salaries and benefits with market rates—a simple, and fair, move that could save taxpayers nearly $47 billion in 2011. Heritage Foundation labor policy analyst James Sherk provides detailed data on why Congress should not overtax all Americans to overpay the privileged workers in the civil service.
    Productivity Determines Private-Sector Pay
    In the private sector, it is productivity that determines workers’ pay. Businesses that pay wages below the associated level of productivity lose quality employees to competitors paying higher wages. Businesses that pay workers more than their productivity lose customers to competitors with lower prices because of lower costs. Broadly speaking, under normal economic conditions, workers in the private sector earn what their productivity merits. In the public sector, they do not. The government sells few goods or services and rarely does so according to market forces, so the market cannot determine pay levels. How much do employees of the Department of Housing and Urban Development contribute to the economy? In lieu of paying on the basis of productivity, the federal government determines pay through wage formulas set by Congress.

  2. I have just finished creating a new wordpress blog for reporting bad public service its title is: Report Bad Public Service. (
    Dear valued citizen;

    Here is how to use that blog:
    1- Then select your continent from the Pages.
    2- Then write your Report As a Reply.
    3- Follow up the responses of other citizens for sometime.
    4- Check for comments and responses stating issues similar to your case.
    5- Feed back on your problem if it is solved or getting worse.

    The goals of this blog are to let everybody will know each others problems with Public Services and Public Servants; advise from personal knowledge and past experiences in similar troubles; mobilize and organize local groups and civil societies to address these problems and assist citizens to get their rights with Public Services managements.
    Together we can do it.
    This is Citizens Solidarity. It is More Powerful Than Bureaucracies and Corporations.

    Slash Public Service but not the Services!!
    Hello valued citizens everywhere;
    You must know that you are queens and kings in your own countries. Employees in the Public Service tend to ignore that. This blog is about very important service to everyone who received bad service from any public servant, low or high-ranked (they called themselves government officials!).
    Try to explain in your report few details about the problem or the complaint you or someone else faced with government employee/s.
    Users of this blog who have some knowledge of their government system are kindly requested to post comments and advises to other fellow citizens in trouble.

    Citizens media are empowering us to fight back the abuses and corruption of bureaucracies everywhere. This is your blog and you are free to express your grievances, anger, disgust, or any constructive proposals and ideas.

    Citizens all over the World demand the following:
    1- Wide and good quality public services and servants for our taxes;
    2- Lean, optimally sized and effective public service;
    3- No overtaxing for overpaying public servants;
    4- People must have regular and uninterrupted access to monitor what are going on in any government office, low or high, including the judiciary, the police, the security, and the military.
    5- Ethical corporatism and control the wealthy influences on politics.

    I invite you to visit, comment, and use Report Bad Public Service blog.

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