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Archive for September, 2013

Costa Concordia Wreck Removal Alternative Proposal

Costa Concordia wreck

Costa Concordia wreck

Costa Concordia Wreck Removal Alternative Proposal

Costa Concordia Wreck Removal Alternative Proposal

I think the idea of moving the wreck of Costa Concordia to upright position on a newly erected sub-sea platform before floating is not the best solution. It is time-consuming and materials-consuming and it is by far more expensive. And definitely it will be impossible to keep it upright during the towing phase.

It would have been better to float and tow it in its tilted position because keeping a damaged ship upright after shifting and distorting its center of gravity and after its bottom cavity was destroyed is clearly huge task.

I suggest a much easier and cheaper approach, as follows:
1. Make many small light weight tanks
2. Sink equal numbers of these tanks on both sides along the length of the wreck
3. Tie each tank with at least three tanks on the opposite side of the wreck with steel cables passing underneath the wreck
4. Tighten the mesh of steel cables to bring the opposite tanks as close as possible
5. Start pumping the water out of the air-tight tanks simultaneously to make them float and lift the wreck
6. Add more connected tanks as much as needed on both sides of the wreck to raise the load substantially
7. While it is afloat and still on its tilted position it is possible to tow the wreck away to a ship dismantling yard

The current operation i as follows:

The Titan/Micoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

1- The tieback chains prevent the wreck from sliding

The Titan/Micoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

2- Meanwhile fabrication and then installation of sub-sea platform to support the ship

3- Install the flotation tanks on the port side by welding to framework which was previously attacked to the hull

3- Install the flotation tanks on the port side by welding to framework which was previously attacked to the hull

4- Pulling machines are connected to pulling points on the subsea platform

4- Pulling machines are connected to pulling points on the subsea platform

The Titan/Micoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

5- With flotation tanks and pullers in place, we can begin to roll the ship upright

The Titan/Micoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

6- The TitanMicoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

7- resting on new platform

7- resting on new platform

The Titan/Micoperi plan for the salvage of the Costa Concordia

8- attaching floating tanks

9- floating the wreck

9- floating the wreck
10- towing

10- towing

Are Humans Really Intelligent Creature?

Are Humans Really Intelligent Creature

Are Humans Really Intelligent Creature

No doubt that ants and jackals created no TV or rocketed to space; and mice did not use atomic bombs. We can also be reasonably sure that bees and elephants do not paint or write books. But we are not aware if microbes and fish or birds do not sing or communicate in any unknown ways; or if they have fraudulent professional athletes and politicians.

Let us think again about our conception of intelligence and many other values. It is clearly obvious that humans created a lot of very stupid and corrupt things; and we made uncountable horrendous criminal acts. But still we arrogantly claim that humans are an intelligent creature.

I guess that there are so many other creatures in this unending universe who look down on us and regard us as miserable and useless dangerous a**holes.

Intelligence, as well as many other practices like business; justice and success, must be overhauled and redefined in human minds; particularly among the White race.