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Archive for March, 2017

Scythian Civilization First Victim of Turkic Invasions

Scythian Civilization First Victim of Turkic Invasions

Scythian Civilization First Victim of Turkic Invasions

Modern interpretation of historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence about the origins of Scythian Civilization has proposed two broad hypotheses.  The first, formerly more espoused by Soviet and then Russian researchers, roughly followed Herodotus’ (third) account, holding that the Scythians were an Eastern Iranian group who arrived from Inner Asia, i.e. from the area of Turkestan and western Siberia.

The second hypothesis, according to Ghirshman and others, proposes that the Scythian cultural complex emerged from local groups of the “Timber Grave” (or Srubna) culture at the Black Sea coast, although this is also associated with the Cimmerians. According to Dolukhanov this proposal is supported by anthropological evidence which has found that Scythian skulls are similar to preceding findings from the Timber Grave culture, and distinct from those of the Central Asian Sacae. Yet, according to Mallory the archaeological evidence is poor, and the Andronovo culture and “at least the eastern outliers of the Timber-grave culture” may be identified as Indo-Iranian. (more…)

All Major Middle Eastern Religions Were Replaced

All Major Middle Eastern Religions Were Replaced by Tengri

All Major Middle Eastern Religions Were Replaced by Tengri

(The processes of inventing Jews, the Talmud, and Judaism is explained in the following article: The Invention of Judaism in Babylonian Iraq  and in another article Replacing Semitic Judeans and Torah with Turkic Jews and Talmud )

Turkic groups fought Zoroastrianism before the time of Moses and they used few elements of Zoroastrianism and blended it with their cult called “Tengrism” to create a Turkic version for the teachings of Zoroaster. Then later on they used the same technique with the teachings of Moses, Yeshua, and Mohamed. By this policy they invented the new “universal” imperial religions: Turkic Persian Zoroastrianism; Turkic Jewish Judaism; Turkic Roman Christianity; and Turkic Sunni, Sufi, and Shia Islam. (more…)

Islamophobia is Political Appeasement Favoring Turkic Groups

Political Appeasement Favoring Turkic Groups

Political Appeasement Favoring Turkic Groups

Governments, media, academia in the West are appeasing Turkic groups and betraying their nations. They don’t name terrorism and extremism their right names. They prefer to accuse a dead and unknown concept calling it Islamic Terrorism, Islamic Extremism, or “Middle Eastern” practices.

Terrorism, Slavery, and Extremism were and are conducted by Turkic groups. This is clear because there is no Islam. Islam died 23 after birth in great civil wars created by Turkic groups, and governments, media, academia in the West you know that very well.

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD) (more…)

Hitler Also Project and Puppet of Khazar Elite to Create Israel

Hitler Also Project and Puppet of Khazar Elite to Create Israel

Hitler Also Project and Puppet of Khazar Elite to Create Israel

This is the second patch of FaceBook messages from someone called “Cengizhan Atilla” bragging about Turkic atrocities they inflicted on Europeans. They are dated March 17, 2017 at 5:30am

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)

Six Turkic Groups

Six Turkic Groups

Read and know how these Turkic groups are thinking about themselves and all other nations in the world. Amazing indeed! (more…)

A Turk Bragging That Europeans & World were Turkic Slaves

A Turk Bragging That Europeans & World were Turkic Slaves

A Turk Bragging That Europeans & World were Turkic Slaves

(The processes of inventing Jews, the Talmud, and Judaism is explained in the following article: The Invention of Judaism in Babylonian Iraq  and in another article Replacing Semitic Judeans and Torah with Turkic Jews and Talmud )

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)

Six Turkic Groups

Six Turkic Groups

A Turk Bragging That Europeans & World were Turkic Slaves

And they are a master’s race.

Saying Zionist Jews are also Turkic and they subjugated Russia, India, Africa, and Middle East whole of Asia

Read and know how these Turkic groups are thinking.

(I received today these Facebook messages from some Cengizhan Atilla at 4:24 AM on 17 March 2017) (more…)

The Bloody Quality of life in the West

Bloody Quality of life in the West

Bloody Quality of life in the West

For each US$ 100 customers pay for goods imported from Africa, African farmers or miners get US$ 2 or less. This is NOT fair, ethical, or civilized.

Call it free trade or capitalism, but Africans call it theft.

Barry Callebaut is a company based with headquarters in Zürich, Switzerland, the world’s largest cocoa producers and grinders, with an average annual production of 1.8 million tonnes of cocoa. I can only say that the prices they force on the producers is criminal and dirty.

People in the West must admit that they do not observe human rights and justice, other than the essential window dressing inside their countries.

This endless greed kept creating poverty and sufferings all over Africa by their Western states, companies, dealers, agents, humanitarian organizations, economic tourists, EU, expeditions, diplomatic missions, churches, academia, media, military assistance, intelligence, banks, aid programs, human rights and democracy advocates, international institutions, and African fifth column. (more…)

The Turkic Beast is Enjoying Our Ignorance!

The Turkic Beast is Enjoying Our Ignorance!

The Turkic Beast is Enjoying Our Ignorance!

The Turkic connection is obvious only for those who can see.

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)

Six Turkic Groups

Six Turkic Groups

PizzaGate and the Turkic Connection

The sign of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria is seen on Connecticut Avenue

The sign of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria is seen on Connecticut Avenue

Although the main stream media MSM tries to convince the world that PizzaGate is a conspiracy theory, and it is debunked the truth is completely the opposite. In this article the Turkic connection is manifested in three strong signs.

  1. The shop sign of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria;
  2. Jewish Food Experience review on Comet Liquors by a Jewish writer; and
  3. An unexpected Turkish response written by senior Turkish writers stating that PizzaGate is a part of the globalist conspiracy against Turkey. This could lead to the assumption that more evidences of PizzaGate might also be found in Turkey, Arab countries, and Israel.
  1. The shop sign of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria


Discover the Global Turkic Connection

Discover the Global Turkic Connection

Discover the Global Turkic Connection

This subject is so shockingly real and revealing to the extent that it is being deliberately hidden and suppressed over the internet and in the conventional mainstream academia and media.

Watch out for the Turkic Connection! To find out the true sources of slavery, NWO, counterfeited religions, and terrorism we have to go deeper than and depart the conventional mainstream academia, perceptions, and media.
In my opinion it is all about covering up and expanding the Turkic connection and Turanians.

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)

Six Turkic Groups

Six Turkic Groups

Most monarchies, bankers, and politicians in Europe and USA are of their making since the so-called English, French, American, and Russian “Revolutions”. These Turkic groups committed all sorts of crimes in Asia, Europe, Levant, Arabia, and Africa.

With just a little of common sense and investigation people can easily find the real historic Turkic connections between them beneath their deceptive mutual hostilities and malignant policies.

Watch out for the Turkic Connection!

Indo European Turkic connections

Indo European Turkic connections

Watch out for the Turkic Connection! To find out the true sources of slavery, NWO, counterfeited religions, and terrorism we have to go deeper than and depart the conventional mainstream academia, perceptions, and media.
In my opinion it is all about covering up and expanding the Turkic connection and Turanians.

The six Turkic groups are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)

Six Turkic Groups

Six Turkic Groups

Most monarchies, bankers, and politicians in Europe and USA are of their making since the so-called English, French, American, and Russian “Revolutions”. These Turkic groups committed all sorts of crimes in Asia, Europe, Levant, Arabia, and Africa.

With just a little of common sense and investigation people can easily find the real historic Turkic connections between them beneath their deceptive mutual hostilities and malignant policies.

The Routes of Turkic first invasions to India, Iran, Caucasus, Anatolia, East Europe, Levant, Arabia, and Africa around 600 BC. These invasions corrupted all region's major religions and created new tribal groups

The Routes of Turkic first invasions to India, Iran, Caucasus, Anatolia, East Europe, Levant, Arabia, and Africa around 600 BC. These invasions corrupted all region’s major religions and created new tribal groups