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Nefertiti was a Hyksos charlatan who brought pagan Kurdish Sun on a subversive mission to direct Akhenaten and his decadent palace. Kurds admit in their writings and inside talks that Nefertiti was Kurdish and the alleged new plan of so-called monotheism of Akhenaten was Kurdish shamanism brought by Nefertiti. However, Kurds deny these facts in public.

No doubt that the Mitanni was a Hyksos offshoot and the Hyksos were a mix of 90% Amorite Levant Bedouins who are not Arabs with 10% Turkic Mongolian Bedouins of East Asia.

Kmt (ancient Egypt) expelled the Hyksos in 1523 BC. Then the expelled Hyksos branched to four groups 1. Hebrews; 2. Mitannis; 3. Kassites and 4. Mukarribs. These groups renamed themselves and their colonies after the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC to 1. Jews; 2. Kurds; 3. Babylonians and 4. Sabaeans.

In 1450 BC, Thutmose III changed the patriotic policies of Kmt immediately after the death of Queen Hatshepsut. He and his army joined the bandits of Hebrews and Mitanni against the nations of Ugarit (now Palestine, Israel and Lebanon) and Ebla (now Syria).

The military support made by Thutmose III resulted in the creation of the Phoenicia and Canaan colonies for the Hebrews in north and south Ugarit. Thutmose III received cedar wood, gifts and prostitutes annually in return. This support also caused the collapse of Ebla and made the Hyksos Mitanni powerful.

Punt Lands in the south west of the Red Sea was witnessing at the period in 1440 BC the ministry of Moses and the Torah to the Israelites, who are Ethiopians in contrast to the Hebrew Hyksos who are Asiatic. Until 580 BC, there were no Jews nor Judaism, which the offshoots of the Hyksos invented in Babylon to legitimize the colonization of southern Ugarit aiming to threaten and control the trade routes between Kmt, Sumer and the collapsed Arab kingdoms of Dilmun, Magan and Meluhha. In 930 BC, the Mukarribs of D’mt looted Solomon Temple upon his death. In 600 BC, Babylon instructed them to demolish the Temple.

The betrayal of Thutmose III allowed Phoenicia to pirate all the Mediterranean and destroy the Aegean Sea nations and the formation of Carthage and Numidia in North Africa (now Tunisia and Algiers).

The patriotic King Horemheb of Kmt ended the reign of second half of the 18th Dynasty in 1290 BC. However, persistent attacks on multiple fronts by Amorite remnants in northern Kmt, Kushis in the south and Meshwesh in the east Kmt caused social unrests, deep damages and weakened Kmt.

The spread of attacks by the Hebrew Phoenicia on the Aegean Sea and the Turkic Mongolian Hittites attacks by land on Anatolia caused the Late Bronze Age Collapse in 1177 BC, and the Sea Pirates who are deceptively called today the Sea Peoples. The Hyksos and their allies inside Kmt and from the East, West and South caused the collapse of the New Kingdom of Kmt in 1077 BC, which the first half of the 18th Dynasty built in 1550 BC by liberating Kmt and expelling the Hyksos.

Treason and corruption of the second half of the 18th Dynasty destroyed the Lebu and the Kerma nations and allowed the Meshwesh Berber and Kushis Fulani to colonize the eastern and southern allies of Kmt.

Following the collapse of the New Kingdom, Kmt fell into the Third Dark Period (1069 – 664 BC). This period witnessed the colonization of Kmt by Meshwesh, Amorites and Kushis, and after it came the catastrophic defeat of the alliance of Kmt and Ashur armies by the alliance of Hyksos and other Turkic Mongolians in Carchemish Battle in 605 BC. Those disasters allowed the Hyksos to invent Jews and Judaism. Hyksos made a copy of the demolished Temple of Solomon of Ethiopia in Canaan.

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