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The Jews are the Hebrews after they called themselves Jews in 600 BC

The Hebrews are part of the Hyksos who were expelled from Kmt in 1523 BC

As for the children of Israel, they have several prophets. In addition, the Children of Israel were a tribe that existed in 1900 BC

The homeland and places of the prophets of the Children of Israel are not in the areas claimed by the Jews for 2600 years

The world searches about the children of Israel and their prophets in wrong places and follows the falsification of the Hyksos Jews

The Babylonians, the Kurds, and the Sabaeans are partners with the Hebrews, and the four are branches of the expelled Hyksos.

The children of Israel, their prophets, their homeland and their stories are confined to the southwest of the Red Sea

Their ruins, the location of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the true homeland of Israel can be discovered within one year

Just assign an honest archaeological research team and direct it to the southwest of the Red Sea

It is possible to discover the places where the Torah was descended, the mines of Solomon’s fortunes, and the port he was using

Abraham was not Hebrew and had nothing to do with the Jews, but Abraham is the great-grandfather of the children of Israel

The Hebrews appeared 400 years after Abraham, and the name Jews appeared 1300 years after Abraham

Abraham was never from Ur in Iraq and never traveled the ridiculous, strange, meadows path

Search for camel bones dating back to 1900 BC, and you will find the homeland of the children of Israel

The Hebrew Jews and their places of activity are associated with horses, while the Israelites, their homeland, and their stories are associated with camels

The Hebrews are an Asian mixture and their skin is beige, while the Israelites are an East African tribe whose skin is almond

Jesus described a group of the children of Israel who cooperated with the Hebrews as the lost sheep of the house of Israel

The Mukarribs Hyksos occupied Yemen and Eritrea and recruited some of the tribe of Judah to plunder the wealth of King Solomon

Hyksos and Judah expelled the tribes of the Children of Israel immediately after the death of King Solomon and seized Jerusalem

In 600 BC, Babylon ordered the Hyksos of Eritrea and Judah to destroy Jerusalem and bring antiquities

The Children of Israel were dispersed and sold in all directions, and this explains the story of the loss of ten tribes to the Children of Israel

Then the Hyksos of Eritrea and some of Judah moved to Babylon to invent the Talmud and Hebrew stories and Jerusalem copy

The stories of the Children of Israel modified in the Talmud were used to Judaize the colony of Canaan in southern Ugarit

The Jewish entity called Israel and present-day Jerusalem has nothing to do with the real Israel and Jerusalem

The Hebrew Jews and Palestine who brought them from the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean are partners in the colony

The Hebrew Jews and Palestine from the Mediterranean, both occupied the land of the ancient people of southern Ugarit

There is no Palestinian issue, nor the issue of Jerusalem, but the issue is the occupation of Aelia Capitolina, and south and north Ugarit

The Palestinians are not Arabs, but from the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean, and they are partners of the Hyksos Hebrew Jews

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