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In 1450 BC, Thutmose III offered the Hebrew Hyksos assistance and alliance. They together raided Ugarit (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) and made the colonies of Phoenicia and Canaan Branches in return for regular payments of cider wood, loots and women.

From Phoenicia, they raided and pirated the entire Mediterranean coasts and made the colonies of Carthage, Numidia, Crete, Cyprus, Sicily and others. These raids resulted in 1177 BC in the Great Late Bronze Age Collapse after the downfall of many nations. It created extensive piracy labelled “Sea Peoples”

In 970 BC, King Solomon started his reign and made Israel formidable and extremely rich. He died in 930 BC and the Mukarribs Hyksos in D’mt colony used some Judah chiefs and criminals to loot Israel and Jerusalem and colonize the center of the Israel.

Other Turkic Mongolian gangs raiding Eastern Europe targeted the Etruscan civilization of ancient Italy, created Rome colonial village in 753 BC, and kept expanding. Other Turkic Mongolian gangs raided Iran and made the Persians who worked closely with Turkic Mongolians in Babylon.

In 600 BC, after Carchemish Battle, Turkic Mongolian-Amorite power shifted to Babylon and Persia who instructed the colonizers of Israel to demolish the Temple, shatter the Israelites into slavery, and bring wealth to create a copy in south Ugarit in their Canaan Hebrew colony.

Babylon and Persia made fake copies of Israelite history, traditions, geography and Moses’ Torah. Most of the Israelites were no more in Punt Lands or free people. In Babylon in 580 BC, Turkic Mongolian Persians, Amorites and Judah chiefs worked together to invent Hebrew Amorite Jews, Judaism and Israel.

After 1320 years, in 740 AD the Turkic Mongolians decided to break their old alliance with Amorites and destroy the Amorite Umayyad rule, displace them and replace the Amorites with Turkic in the Levant. They contacted and agreed with another branch of Turkic Mongolians in North Caucasus colony of Khazars. With direction and assistance from the Turkic Mongolian Abbasids, Turkic Mongolians invented Zionist Ashkenazi Turkic Jews, Judaism and Israel to replace Hebrew Amorite Jews, Hebrew Amorite Judaism and Israel.

The remnants of Israelites in Punt Lands and in the diaspora were waiting for the Messiah prophesized in the Moses’ Torah to save and free them from wickedness and bondage. Small group of leading Israelites moved from Punt following a star to direct them to the birthplace of Jesus the Messiah.

The good news chocked and terrified the Turkic Romans and Persian together with Amorite Hebrew Jews and the traitorous chiefs of Judah. The four groups did everything wicked to kill the new Devine message, Jesus the Messiah and the believers.

Once again, as they did with the teachings and the book of Moses, inventing Judaism and Hebrew Bible, and labelled a colonial heathen terrorist project a religion. The Turkic Mongolian-Amorite alliance with Romans, Persians and Amorite Hebrew Jews concocted a new colonial heathen terrorist project and New Testament, and claimed to be a new religion, holy book and called it Christianity.

The third and final part will explain how the Turkic Mongolian-Amorite alliance of Persians and Amorite Hebrew Jews colonizing Arabia killed the Devine message of Mohamed, only after 50 years from receiving the first verses of the Holy Quran, and turned it into a colonial heathen terrorist project, called it Islam and labelled as a new religion.

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