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Ashkenazim Origin

Important Update Notice on 24 July 2018: I have updated my Abyssinian Hypothesis  after discovering the that single-hump camel (The dromedary) was unknown in Arabia, Aram, Assyria, and Kemet before 950 BC, while in abundance in the land of Punt.

This led to make the following major changes:
1- The proposed origin of Israelite from being Arabic-speaking Arab Yemenis to Ge’ez-speaking African Puntite;
2- Rename the Abyssinian Hypothesis to the Ge’ez Puntite Hypothesis;
3- The Turkic Mongolian colonizers and rulers of Neo-Babylonia invited elders from the House of Israel to Babylonia in around 580 BC in what is called the Babylonian Exile to help the create Judaism and colonize Aramaic land in 530 BC;
4- The Hebrew Language and the Hebrew Israelite are products of admixture between Ge’ez Israelite, Turkic Mongolian Persians, and colonized Aramaic. They existed only after 530 C; and
5- The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel are those Israelite who  left the land of Punt and decided to collaborate with Turkic Mongolians to invent Judaism and colonize Aramaic lands; and turned into Hebrew Israelite.

Therefore, the Israelite Exodus of 1446 BC was only within Punt, from one region to another. The Jews are not Israelite at all; and the name Judah was just used deceptively to relate the Jews to the Israelite. The Israelite were scattered all over the world and they no longer exist as a nation or a tribe.

For more details on the Ge’ez Puntite Hypothesis read the following three articles:
1- How Persians Cooked a Cult and Called it Judaism Part 1
2- The Turkic Mongolian-African Israelite Joint-ventures
3- Jesus Pointing to “The Lost Sheep of the house of Israel” and “the Gentiles”
[End of notice]

The history of Ashkenazim is shrouded in mystery. Many theories have arisen speculating on their emergence as a distinct community of Jews.

Here is another hypothesis that makes a lot of sense. It supposes that the origin of Ashkenazim is very much older than the emergence of Khazar Khaganate in c. 650–969 AD. The term Jews (originally Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]) must had appeared only in 535 BC.

The Jews are not Israelite but all Jews originated from Turkic Mongolians, similar to Persians, Turks, Romans, “whitened” Europeans, and Caucasoid Indians. While the Israelite were originally Arab tribe from Yemen. Therefore, the Israelite were Semite; but the Jews are not Semite at all.

The invasions of Turkic Mongolians into the Pontiac-Caspian Steppe which resulted in the formation of Slavic groups in the region, and later all Turkic Khaganates including the Khazar, could had started around 1700 BC.

Comments on: "Ashkenazim Origin" (5)

  1. “whitened” Europeans, . . .”

    Sorry Tarig, Europeans (most of them) are not drawn from Turkic Mongolian stock. The Celts (or Kelts), the Nordics (or Teutonic peoples) , and the peoples of the Mediterranean countries are not from Asiatic stock. The Jews in Europe are Asiatics.

    • I mean by “Whitened Europeans” those who are not Europeans but claim to be European through calling themselves Whites wile they are not even white but “whitened”.

    • The White people who colonized Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australia were mainly non-Europeans (whitened Asians calling themselves Whites to hint falsely they are Europeans), and the Europeans involved were just labor and some slaves.

  2. Gary W Laing said:

    You just have anti Asian outlook that is your problem

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